Services Breakdown

RFID Race Timing

Using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology, we provide hassle-free bib timing. Using specialty race bibs and antennas at the finish line, we can track each racer as they finish, with automatic time, place, and age group calculation. Powered by Chronotrack, our services can cut the stress and need for volunteers and/or race directors.

Popsicle Stick Timing

Using numbered popsicle sticks and a specialty stopwatch, smaller races can be timed with our handheld simple timing system. Using a couple of volunteers, finishers will get their placement medal and associate the place with a name on a finishers' sheet. At the conclusion of the race, places will be associated with times by a volunteer. Great for races under 200 participants!

Start/Finish & Race Course Equipment

Our services also provide a plethora of race equipment needs from start to finish! We can help with start/finish areas, race course signage, water stops, check in and more! Our experience with preparations and setup can help your event go smooth and efficient. Years of experience and shadowing bring our quality services to you at a low, affordable price!

RunSignup Features

Our race timing software and timing experience combine to bring ease to digitize the information for your race, including but not limited to, event signup, product sales, race-day check-in, results, photo management, and more! Our team will help design your signup to catch the eyes of visitors and bring in practical benefits of services and signups available through

Race Customization

Our team of connections can help put your race and branding out there; We can even help you design your promotional gear. We can help with race apparel, logo and/or signup form designs, local advertising, as well as local shop and club connections, allowing for award and prize donations, promotional equipment, and local advertising in the target audiences.

Additionally, the race bibs required for the RFID tag timing are customizable. Work with our team to design and order eye-catching bibs for effective advertising and promotion!

Have any questions? Feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, or intent of partnership. TRS is available at, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.